Nguyen Van Thang, Nguyen Bich Ngoc


This research aims to investigate the effects of the Repeated Reading Method on developing reading fluency of students at Thanh Dong University. It attempts to explore if two components of Reading Fluency including reading rate and reading comprehension can improve when the participants are trained with Repeated Reading Method. Participants in the study were twenty-three students at Thanh Dong University. They were placed in one class based on their results in TOEIC test. They were, first, pre-tested through a Curriculum Based Measurement Test and a TOEIC reading test to determine their reading fluency level prior the beginning of action research. Over an eight-week-treatment, within sixteen sessions, they took part in the Repeated Reading Program. At the end of action research, they took two Post-tests. Besides, the post-treatment-questionnaire was used in an effort to further assess the effects of the Program on participants’ reading fluency as well as their attitude towards the program. Results of the Curriculum Based Test and TOEIC reading test are respectively given in mean scores and correct answers out of forty-eight questions in fifty minutes. After the intervention period, a progress in reading fluency was identified in the majority of participants. To determine the validity of the results, a t-test analysis was utilized, which showed that the results are significant. In other words, the large share of students who followed the Repeated Reading Method have enhanced their reading fluency. On the basis of the conclusions drawn from this study, some pedagogical implications have been recommended for teachers of English planning to use Repeated Reading Method in their teaching courses.


Repeated reading method, reading rate, reading comprehension

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