Phạm Thị Kiều Oanh


Like other language skills, reading is a crucial factor in foreign language
acquisition. The ultimate goal of reading is comprehension and it allows students to make
sense of what the text is about. This research is carried out to investigate reading
comprehension strategies (RCS) used by first-year English majors at Thai Nguyen
University of Education (TUE). The purposes of this research study are: a) to investigate
into RCSs used by the first-year English-major students at TUE, b) to find out significant
differences in the use of RCSs between more successful and less successful readers. This
research is, therefore, aimed at helping students identify effective RCSs which may
facilitate their reading comprehension. The implication of this study shows that good
strategies of more successful readers can be shared by and provided for less successful ones
to encourage them to study a foreign language effectively


reading; reading comprehension; reading strategies

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