Phan Thị Kim Ánh


The study aims to examine EFL students’ perceptions on the effectiveness of
online course design. This paper employs a mixed-method research design using both
quantitative and qualitative approaches. More specifically, a questionnaire for 83 Englishmajors
and a follow-up interview for 10 students were undertaken at HCMC University of
Technology and Education. The data were then analyzed using the SPSS 20.0 software to
calculate mean scores of the surveyed items. The findings disclosed that some online course
features such as course structure, assessment and technology tools were found to be efficient
and most students had positive attitudes towards teachers’ online course design. Moreover,
some shortcomings of the course plan were identified. The study also points out some
practical suggestions from the students’ viewpoints which can be used to guide online course
design for instructors to improve the online teaching quality in the future.


Perceptions, online course design, online education

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